SABR’s Return to Play During COVID-19
Mask FAQ's
Game days have presented new challenges because of COVID-19, so we’ve issued clarifications for our masks and social distancing policies: masks must be worn except in bleachers and walkways. Masks are optional in bleachers and walkways as long as social distancing can be maintained.
We’re all in this together for the sake of our children and teammates. Everyone has weighed the risks and made the choice for their child to reap the benefits of playing this season.
Please respect the choice others have made and remember that purpose of wearing the mask is to protect everyone else in case you are contagious.
Here are the most Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.
Q. Soccer is an outdoor activity. Why are masks being worn?
A. Our use of the fields must adhere to Palm Beach County Executive Order 2020-28, which states, “All prior Palm Beach County emergency orders imposing COVID-19 related restrictions on individuals, businesses and/or establishments are repealed and replaced with Order 2020-28 except…4.b. Public Places -Facial Coverings Required. Facial coverings must be worn by all persons in public places where social distancing in accordance with CDC guidelines is not possible or not being practiced. For purposes of this provision, public places shall include any outdoor areas that are open and regularly accessible… ( 2020-012 (facial coverings) )
Q. What is the problem with social distancing on game days?
A. The length of the sideline does not accommodate all of the spectators and allow 6 foot separation for social distancing. So social distancing is either not possible or not being practiced.
Q. Why is SABR requiring that anyone over the age of two must wear a mask if they choose to be anywhere on the grass areas?
A. SABR has always had on the field policies for spectators and non-participants. Because social distancing is not being practiced at the games, we are requiring that everyone over the age of two must wear masks to be anywhere on the grass areas.
Q. Can my child(ren) play near the fields elsewhere on the grass?
A. If your child chooses to play anywhere on the grass areas, they must wear their mask.
Q. What are my choices if I do not/ will not/ cannot wear a mask?
A. There are a number of choices that depend the age of your player and the park.
At Spanish River Athletic Complex
At least one parent of any child in the Under 6 – Under 8 age groups must always be at the sideline for the entire game. Children in our Under 6 – Under 8 age groups will not be permitted to play or attend the game if their parent on the sideline is not wearing a mask.
All spectators of children in our Under 9 – Under 19 age groups that choose not to wear a mask may observe the game from the bleachers, sidewalk, or pavilion provided they still maintain social distancing. They may also choose to wait in their cars.
At Woodlands Park.
All spectators of children in our Under 9 – Under 19 age groups that choose not to wear a mask may observe the game from the bleachers, sidewalk, or playground areas east of the fences. They may also choose to wait in their cars.
AT FAU Glades
All spectators of children in our Under 9 – Under 19 age groups that choose not to wear a mask may observe the game from the bleachers to the immediate west of the fence or areas east of the fence. They may also choose to wait in their cars.
Q. How will SABR enforce these guidelines in the Under 6 – Under 8 Age Groups?
A. Children in our Under 6 – Under 8 age groups will not be permitted to play or attend the game if their parent on the sideline is not wearing a mask.
Q. How will SABR enforce these guidelines in the Under 9 – Under 19 Age Groups?
A. When the referees check the teams before the game, coaches from both teams will go to the spectators side to have everyone either wear a face covering or leave the grass. Referees will start the match and immediately halt whenever spectators do not wear face coverings. Coaches will need to address their parents again. The referees will continue to run the clock and time will not be made up. Games will be forfeited if teams and their families do not cooperate. If both teams forfeit, the game will be recorded as 0-0 and no match points will be awarded.
Q. What should I do if I see others not following the rules?
A. Above all – please do not engage with these people or the referees. First, everyone should move away from those that are not wearing their masks for their own safety. If the referees do not notice these people and stop the game, then find either a SABR volunteer in a navy blue shirt or go your coach. The volunteer or coach can signal the referee to stop the game.
SABR Guidelines for Return to Play
SABR’s Return to Play follows federal, state and local directives that must be followed by all players and spectators. We also strongly encourage our families to follow the recommended CDC guidelines for youth sports participation. Your understanding and cooperation will help insure a safe and healthy activity for everyone.
The Guidelines below apply to our youth players, coaches, families and spectators. These plus additional guidelines for players and spectators in our Adult leagues and pickup games are available from
Arrival & departure will be staggered by game times since there must be a minimum of a 15-minute gap to allow for players and parents to arrive and leave without overlap or gathering.
Please arrive no sooner than 15 minutes before game time and please do not remain on the field after the game.
Please follow one-way foot traffic at the Spanish River fields. Go to the fields on the central path from the pavilion. Exit to the parking lot via the path on the other side of the field.
All players must maintain 6’ physical distancing between players when off the fields/not playing. All coaches will maintain proper social distancing. Spectators must maintain 6’ between family groups at all times.
When possible, we are requesting 1 spectator per family. We encourage families to remain in their cars or stand away from the fields with proper social distancing from other parents/spectators.
In the event of delays – and especially for lightening alerts – players and families should return to their cars and not congregate in park pavilions and shelters.
Hydration & snacks: Each player must bring her/his own drink with the player’s name on bottle even if the parent holds the drink. Shared water bottles and food sharing are not permitted.
Water fountains and vending machines will be inoperative. All players must bring their own drinks for hydration. Coaches/volunteers cannot provide any drinks or hydration for players.
Bathrooms will be open.
SABR game balls by coaches will be sanitized following use. All players should bring and utilize their own soccer ball.
Please bring hand sanitizer for players with their name on it. Soccer balls, clothing and other personal equipment should be sanitized following use by each family.
We will practice Touchless Sportsmanship: No huddles; high-fives, elbow bumps, knuckles…
All youth coaches will wear face coverings. Face coverings are also encouraged for all spectators (except children under 2 years old) when walking to and from field areas or walkways and anywhere that social distancing is difficult.
- If you are not comfortable with returning to play, DON”T. You are the only one who will make the decision when your child returns to play.
- Check child’s temperature before coming to any session.
- Ensure child’s clothing is washed after every session.
- Ensure all equipment is sanitized before and after every session.
- The parent of a player (or player if adult league) who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19 should contact their coach to inform them.
- Common Symptoms of COVID-19:
Fever > 100.4
Tiredness/ Fatigue
Muscle Pain (not ordinarily felt after a training/game)
Loss of taste or smell
Difficulty breathing
Sore throat - Any player that tests positive for COVID-19 must provide a Physician’s letter approving return to play.
- Supply your child with individual sanitizer and plenty of water.
- Adhere to social distancing guidelines.
- Gloves and face coverings are recommended for parents.
- If you are not comfortable with returning to play, DON’T.
- Adhere to all Return to Play Protocols.
- Wash hands thoroughly before and after training/games.
- Wash & sanitize training equipment after every training/game.
- Do not share water, food, or equipment.
- Respect and practice social distancing.
- Place equipment, bags, etc. at least 6 feet apart.
- No high fives, handshakes, knuckles or group celebrations.
- Gloves and face coverings are allowed for players but not required.