Contact Us

Most of your questions can be answered by your child’s coach or age group Division Rep. Click here for listing.

Please start with your Division Rep. If they don’t know the answer, they will “go up the ladder” and get it for you.

You can also send us an eMail through the "Send Us A Message" form on this page.

Your eMail will be directed by our web master for response from a SABR volunteer. Please allow a few days for our volunteers to catch up with you.

Soccer Association of Boca Raton (SABR)

P.O. Box 812650
Boca Raton, FL 33481


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Contacts for Registration and our Under 5 - Under 6 Program

For 40 years, SABR has helped introduce our youngest children to the game of soccer.

If you have any questions about our age-appropriate program for these new players, please contact our Director of Coaching, Carrie Barker.

If you have any questions about the Registration process, please contact our Registrar, Marlynda Comiskey at