About SABR TOPSoccer


TOPSoccer-Logo-2016-136x150-pxSABR TOPSoccer is an outreach program of SABR and the US Youth Soccer Association.

Our community-based training and team participation program for young athletes with disabilities provides a recreational, leisurely approach to the game of soccer for this very special group. Modifications to the game allow full participation and enjoyment to each young athlete.

To address the special needs of these athletes, each player has a volunteer "Soccer Buddy" to assist them at practices and games. In addition to earning Community Service hours, the smile in the eyes and the sense of another's accomplishment is often reward enough. Buddies must be in the 8th grade or older to participate in the program.

For many years, SABR TOPSoccer has been recognized excellence in Florida and the United States.

Our program is available to our athletes without charge thanks to widespread community generosity.

TOPSoccer welcomes sponsorships from individuals, corporations, or families. SABR is an IRS-recognized 501(c)3.

If you would like to sponsor, click here.  To make a donation, please contact us at timsharp1958@gmail.com.

You may also make donations through PayPal.

If you would like more information about SABR TOPSoccer, please send an email to topsoccer@sabrsoccer.net.

For the Instagram link, click here and for the Twitter link, click here.

Thank you to our SABR TOPSoccer Sponsors!

Donations of any size are appreciated. Thank you for your donations!